Monday, June 29, 2009

Installing the dome drive

Well it is time to make the head spin :)
I did some looking for the standard dome motor that everyone was using on there droids (Pittman 12v GM9413-2) but it seems that they do not make that model anymore. So I went with a slightly different (but still produced)Pittman 6 to 24Vdc GM9236C460 .

The motor bolts right in to the Comm8 drive motor mount that came with my frame. The only problem is that the drive wheel sits a little high on the Rockler bearing. I am thinking that the motor mount fits the standard motor perfect but the shaft on this replacement is slightly different. A quick trim with the Dremel and all was good.

Friday, June 26, 2009

More Parts!!!!

I got my Battery Boxes and Ankle Details this week. A few parts closer. :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Test mounting the Totally Wired skirt

Well we got around to mounting the skirt today. The thing looks so nice that I am sad to have to paint it. I picked up a piece of 1/4 20 threaded rod and cut the mounting pins out of that (about 3/4 of an inch long). It is a very easy install on the Comm8 frame.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

HoloProjectors Arrived (Friggin Sweet!)

I went down to the post office to pick up my holo-projectors that I ordered from ffesquet today. These are truly amazing parts!!!!!! We are getting there. I should be receiving my battery boxes and coin returns in the next few weeks. The search for parts continues on.

I had some assembly help from one of my Droid building assistance.

Friday, June 12, 2009

I received my TotallyWired aluminum skirt today. It is an amazing piece of work. I am trying to decide if I am going to paint the entire skirt or take the polished bars off and paint the skirt under them and leave the polished surface. It is almost to nice to paint :)~

I also got time to cut out and clean up the pie panels on the outer dome.

Friday, June 5, 2009

More parts arrived today

I got home from work today and some Droid parts were waiting for me!!!!! SWEEEEEET!

I got my side vents, pocket vents, and a set of ankle cylinders. It is starting to come together :) I also found a set of holo-projectors that should be arriving soon. And the amazing parts search continues.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Rockler + TW Aluminum skirt (A good day)

It was a good day in Droid building land. I received my Rockler bearing in the mail today. I am going to try to get the dome mounted to the bearing this weekend. I was also able to get a aluminum skirt from the TotallyWired run (the part looks amazing in the photos I have seen so I can not wait to see it in person).